冒险 / 动作
SPEC / C64 / CPC
Fairlight is an isometric projection arcade adventure video game developed by Bo Jangeborg and Jack Wilkes at EDGE Games and released in 1985. Developed in seven months, Jangeborg created the GRAX game engine using some prior code and components from his earlier project, graphics package The Artist. Wilkes contributed art assets towards the game, including enemy sprites and the title screen. The game was well received critically and commercially, selling over 50,000 copies, a sequel Fairlight II was released in 1986. The game revolves around the protagonist Isvar, and his quest to find the Book of Light for the court sorcerer, in order for them to escape Castle Avars. The ZX Spectrum version was one of the first (along with Technician Ted) to have an interactive loader - instead of the usual yellow/blue loading bars, a counter at the bottom of the screen ran backwards indicating how long until the game had loaded.
狗狗迷宫 Head Over Heels
传说之下 Undertale
★ 9.4
小小梦魇 Little Nightmares
★ 8.9
传送门2 Portal 2
★ 9.6
寂静岭2 Silent Hill 2
风之旅人 Journey
★ 9.3
午夜领主 Lords of Midnight
鬼屋冒险 Jet Set Willy
疯狂校园 Skool Daze
银河系漫游指南 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
魔域之狼 Knight Lore