益智 / 策略
PC / Mac / PS3 / PSP / SFC/SNES/超任 / MD/世嘉五代 / FC/NES/红白机 / GB / 3DO / CDTV / ACRN / X68K / CD32 / CDI / SPEC / C64 / AST / CPC / SMS / LYNX / GG / AMI
Lemmings is a puzzle-platformer video game originally developed by DMA Design and published by Psygnosis for the Amiga in 1991. The basic objective of the game is to guide a group of humanoid lemmings through a number of obstacles to a designated exit. In order to save the required number of lemmings to win, one must determine how to assign a limited number of eight different skills to specific lemmings that allow the selected lemming to alter the landscape, to affect the behavior of other lemmings, or to clear obstacles in order to create a safe passage for the rest of the lemmings.
神奇机器 The Incredible Machine
★ 9.1
米老鼠:幻影城堡 Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
★ 7.7
马里奥失踪记 Mario Is Missing!
★ 6.0
大富翁环游世界 大富翁環遊世界
记忆闪回 Flashback
战棋2:中国象棋 Battle Chess II: Chinese Chess