第七访客 The 7th Guest


冒险 / 益智

PC / Mac / iPhone / iPad / Linux / CDI


The 7th Guest, produced by Trilobyte and originally released by Virgin Games in 1993,[1] is an interactive movie puzzle adventure game. It was one of the first computer video games to be released only on CD-ROM. The 7th Guest is a horror story told from the unfolding perspective of the player, as an amnesiac. The game received a great amount of press attention for making live action video clips a core part of its gameplay, for its unprecedented amount of pre-rendered 3D graphics, and for its adult content. In addition, the game was very successful, with over two million copies sold, and is widely regarded as a killer app that accelerated the sales of CD-ROM drives. The 7th Guest has subsequently been re-released on the app store for various systems such as the Mac.[2] Bill Gates called The 7th Guest "the new standard in interactive entertainment."[3]




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