SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighter's Clash - SNK Version
Neo Geo Pocket
The first game in the series, released in 1999 for the Neo Geo Pocket Color handheld console, was the first crossover between SNK and Capcom. Characters in the game are illustrated in the super deformed art style. There are two complementary versions of the game: the SNK version and the Capcom version. Each version of the game has a different starting deck and different exclusive cards that can be obtained, but the gameplay remains the same, with card battles resembling a somewhat simplified version of Magic: The Gathering, in which a maximum of three "creatures" (i.e. fighters) is allowed in each player's field at any given moment and there is no mana to be spent to place them in the field (there are, however, Special Points, SP for short, which are gained as fighters are placed in the field and spent as the players use Action Cards - this game's equivalent of Enchantments - or combined attacks).
黑暗边缘 Dark Edge
天外魔境:青之天外 オリエンタルブルー -青の天外
★ 8.3
孤胆游侠 The Lone Ranger
街头快打:双重冲击 Final Fight: Double Impact
热血硬派国夫君:特别版 熱血硬派くにおくん すぺしゃる
鬼屋历险 スプラッターハウス わんぱくグラフィティ/Splatter House:Wanpaku Graffiti
★ 7.6
SNK vs.卡普空:激突卡片战士 卡普空版 SNK VS. CAPCOM 激突カードファイターズ CAPCOMサポーターズバージョン