即时战略 / 策略
Cossacks: European Wars is a historical real-time strategy based on events of the 16th through the 18th centuries in Europe, when nations and states were created and demolished, and wars shed seas of blood. There are 16 nations or regions in Cossacks: Algeria, Austria, England, France, the Netherlands, Piemonte, Poland, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, Saxony, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, and Venice. Each has its own original graphics, economic and technical development peculiarities, military advantages and drawbacks, and unique units and technologies, providing vast choices of tactics and strategy in war against any enemy. Thus, England is the mightiest sea power, Austria has powerful light and heavy cavalry, and Cossacks are the pride of the Ukrainian army.
影子战术:将军之刃 Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
★ 9.2
中世纪2:全面战争 Medieval II: Total War
★ 9.4
过山车大亨2 RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
罗马:全面战争 Rome: Total War
★ 9.3
英雄连 Company of Heroes
英雄连:勇气传说 Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor
奇迹时代2:巫师王座 Age of Wonders 2: The Wzards Throne
★ 8.5
要塞:十字军高清版 Stronghold: Crusader HD
★ 8.1
呼啸战神2 Warlords Battlecry II
★ 7.2
地球2150:三部曲 Earth 2150 Trilogy
哥萨克:重返战场 Cossacks: Back to War
命令与征服:尤里的复仇 Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge