竞速 / 体育
Slalom is a skiing video game in which the player races in a series of downhill slalom runs while navigating past flags and obstacles before time expires. It was developed by Rare and first released by Nintendo for the Nintendo VS. System in 1986. It was then released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in North America in March 1987 and in Europe later that year. The game was developed by Tim and Chris Stamper and its music was composed by David Wise. Slalom was the first NES game developed outside Japan and the Stamper brothers' first game released under the Rare brand. Reviews from the 1980s found Slalom unrealistic, but largely appreciated its graphics and animations. In contrast, AllGame's retrospective review called the game poorly made and rushed. Slalom was released in Rare's 2015 Rare Replay compilation for Xbox One.
美国赛车 Race America
TC滑板:水木之怒 Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage
法拉利大奖赛挑战 フェラーリ Grand Prix Challenge/Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge
★ 7.1
比尔埃利奥特的全国汽车挑战赛 Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge
越野机车 Excitebike
★ 8.2
动作52合1 Action 52
★ 3.7
霹雳游侠 ナイトライダー/Knight Rider
家庭赛马 ファミリージョッキー
最后冲刺 ファイナルラツプ/Final Lap
单车王 サイクルレース ロードマン 激走!! 日本一週4000km/Cycle Race Road Man
顶级赛车 トップライダー/Top-Rider