横版过关 / 动作
プリンスオブペルシャ 2: 影と炎, 波斯王子:影与火
SFC/SNES/超任 / MD/世嘉五代
Similar to the first Prince of Persia, the character explores various deadly areas by running, jumping, crawling, avoiding traps, solving puzzles and drinking magic potions. Prince of Persia 2 is, however, more combat-heavy than its predecessor. In the first game, enemies appear only occasionally and are always alone, while in the sequel, up to four enemies may appear at once, sometimes flanking the player, and may even be instantly replaced by reinforcements when they are killed. As in Prince of Persia, the trick is to complete the game under a strict time limit from 65 minutes in the game that passes in real time. Lives are unlimited, but time cannot be regained (except by reverting to a previously saved game). In other areas, more significant improvements have been made. The graphics are far more complex than the simple look of the game's predecessor, the areas explored are larger, and the variety of backdrops is greater.
塞尔达的冒险 Zelda's Adventure
最终幻想 水晶编年史:光与暗之公主和征服世界之塔 光と闇の姫君と世界征服の塔 ファイナルファンタジー・クリスタルクロニクル
新中华大仙:迈克尔与美美的冒险 新・中華大仙 ~マイケルとメイメイの冒険~
波斯王子:阿拉伯之夜 Prince of Persia: Arabian Nights
★ 6.8
洛克人EXE WS ロックマンエグゼ WS
超级密特罗德 スーパーメトロイド
★ 9.6
阿拉丁 Disney's Aladdin
★ 7.7
七喜小子 Cool Spot
★ 7.6
狮子王 Disney's The Lion King
★ 7.2
忍者神龟4:时空大冒险 ティーンエージ ミュータント ニンジャ タートルズ タートルズ イン タイム
★ 8.0
机械战警3 RoboCop 3
★ 7.1