模拟 / 角色扮演
佛罗伦萨, 弗洛伦丝
PC / Mac / iPhone / iPad / Android / Nintendo Switch
Discover the Highs and Lows of First Love in ‘Florence’, a Mobile Narrative Experience Created by Mountains and Published by Annapurna Interactive
奇异人生 Life is Strange
★ 9.4
★ 8.9
艾迪芬奇的记忆 What Remains of Edith Finch
★ 9.5
底特律:化身为人 Detroit: Become Human
纪念碑谷2 Monument Valley 2
胡闹厨房2 Overcooked! 2
★ 9.1
冰汽时代 Frostpunk
★ 8.6
勇者斗恶龙:创世小玩家2 破坏神席德与空荡岛 ドラゴンクエストビルダーズ2 破壊神シドーとからっぽの島
双点医院 Two Point Hospital
★ 8.0
星际拓荒 Outer Wilds
★ 9.6
缺氧 Oxygen Not Included
★ 9.3