益智 / 卡牌 / 策略
遊戯王ファイブディーズ ワールドチャンピオンシップ 2010 リバースオブアルカディア
The Dark Signers return seeking eternal supremacy over New Domino City and the citizens of Satellite. Based on the immensely popular Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s animated series and building off the success of Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2009, duelists pick up the action after the Fortune Cup and begin deep within the secret society Arcadia Movement. 5D’s Story Mode offers new stages torn from the animated series with all new characters to interact with or jump into Free Duel mode to get right into one-on one-action. Added and upgraded features include turbo duel racing, puzzle solving maps, and race challenges never before seen in previous World Championship titles.
★ 6.1
怒首领蜂2 怒首領蜂II
★ 7.0
SD敢达强袭战线 SDガンダム ストライカーズ
19xx 终极战机 19xx The War Against Destiny
★ 7.6
游戏王:世界冠军大会2008 Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008
★ 7.7
游戏王GX:精灵的召唤 Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Spirit Caller
★ 8.5
乐高加勒比海盗:电视游戏 Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
★ 8.2
乐高印第安纳琼斯2:冒险继续 LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues
★ 8.0
颜料宝贝2 de Blob 2
植物大战僵尸 Plants vs. Zombies
★ 9.4
麦克斯与魔法标记 Max and the Magic Marker
★ 8.8
名侦探柯南:苍蓝宝石的轮舞曲 名探偵コナン 蒼き宝石の輪舞曲
★ 6.8