角色扮演 / 冒险
Sweet Home
Sweet Home follows the exploits of five members of an investigation group: Kazuo, Akiko, Taro, Asuka, and Emi. The famous painter Mamiya Ichirou lived many years in a secluded mansion, and rumor says there are some valuable frescos to find inside. Our investigators decide to take some pictures of the frescos. However, upon entering the mansion, a ghost-like figure of Mamiya appears and threatens them. After this, they find themselves trapped in the mansion. The heroes must now find a way out of the mansion, not forgetting the frescos they came there for, and the destiny of an earlier investigation group that has disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
战士之刃:拉斯坦对蛮族 Warrior Blade:Rastan vs Barbarian
梦境之王 トリームマスター
SNK vs.卡普空:激突卡片战士 SNK版 SNK VS. CAPCOM 激突カードファイターズ SNKサポーターズバージョン
银河飞将2:基拉锡的复仇 Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi
劲舞革命:迪士尼狂欢 Dance Dance Revolution Disney's Rave
麦当劳世界 ドナルドランド
★ 7.0
不死传说 The Immortal
★ 7.3
热血高校躲避球部 熱血高校ドッジボール部/Super Dodge Ball
★ 8.6
天使之翼2:超级前锋 キャプテン翼II スーパーストライカー
★ 9.1
火焰之纹章:暗黑龙与光之剑 ファイアーエムブレム 暗黒竜と光の剣
★ 8.9
斧王 The Astyanax
★ 7.4
伊苏1:失落的伊苏古国 序章 イース
★ 8.7