卡牌 / 策略
Description from the publisher: The shadow of Bhaal has come over Baldur's Gate, summoning monsters and other horrors from the darkness! As you build and explore the iconic city's dark alleys and deadly catacombs, you must work with your fellow adventurers to survive the terrors ahead. That is, until some horrific evil turns one — or possibly more — of you against each other. Was it a mind flayer's psionic blast or the whisperings of a deranged ghost that caused your allies to turn traitor? You have no choice but to keep your enemies close! Based on the award-winning Betrayal at House on the Hill board game, in Betrayal at Baldur's Gate you'll return to Baldur's Gate again and again thanks to the fifty included scenarios only to discover it's never the same game twice. Can you and your party survive the madness, or will you succumb to the mayhem and split (or slaughter!) the party?
城堡破坏者 Castle Crashers
★ 8.1
巨著 Opus Magnum
★ 9.3
博德之门2:安姆的阴影 Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
★ 9.4
天地劫序传 幽城幻剑录
轩辕剑肆 黑龙舞兮云飞扬 軒轅劍肆 黑龍舞兮雲飛揚
★ 8.6
轩辕剑伍 一剑凌云山海情 軒轅劍伍 一劍凌雲山海情
★ 6.7
月圆之夜 Night of the Full Moon
★ 8.4
巫师之昆特牌:王权的陨落 Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
★ 9.1
王权 Reigns
★ 7.6
王权:女王陛下 Reigns: Her Majesty
地精公司 Gremlins, Inc.
★ 8.7
圣物 Artifact
★ 7.5