This can't be! There has never been a Great White in these warm tropical waters before. NEVER! This is more than a coincidence... this shark appears to be possessed... as if it's hunting you down... like it's personal. You'd better prepare yourself and strike back before it's too late. Will you use the mini-sub, sea plane, sailboat or just scuba gear? Perhaps it won't even matter. Remember, this is some kind of unbelievably powerful eating machine you're dealing with. Quick, grab your weapons, pack your explosives and check your maps. It's out there... you know it... and it's coming for you. This is serious! This is the ultimate Jaws challenge, because this time it's not over until only one of you is left alive!
麦当劳小子 M.C. Kids
超级星球大战 Super Star Wars
★ 7.0
忍杀三人组 3 Ninjas Kick Back
星球大战 Star Wars (1991)
★ 6.8
星球大战:帝国反击战 Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1982)
★ 5.8
星球大战:绝地竞技场 Star Wars: Jedi Arena
★ 5.0
魂斗罗 魂斗羅
★ 9.3
赤色要塞 ファイナルコマンド 赤い要塞
★ 9.2
沙罗曼蛇 沙羅曼蛇
★ 8.6
古巴战士 ゲバラ
★ 8.9
兵蜂 ツインビー
★ 7.8
1943:中途岛海战 1943 ミッドウェイ海戦
★ 7.6