体育 / 动作
Kinnikuman:Kinnikusei Oui Soudatsusen
Kinnikuman: Kinnikusei Oui Soudatsusen is set during the Scramble for the Throne timeline of the Kinnikuman manga where Kinnikuman is being thwarted from taking the throne. The game consists of four stages, Stages one, two, and four are side-scrolling action games made up of four sections. At the end of each section is a boss fight. After all the sections of a stage are complete a one-on-one wrestling match then takes place. The third stage consists of a wrestling match only. During these stages, players can switch between five fighters; Robin Mask, The Teriman, Ramen Man, Wars Man, and Neptune Man. The fighters can take multiple hits, with each hit draining their energy bar. The fighters can attack enemies with kicks and punches. Enemies are typically defeated by one hit, but bosses and wrestling opponents need multiple hits to defeat.
超级马里奥1+打鸭子+田径大赛 Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt + World Class Track Meet
热血曲棍球部:人仰马翻大乱斗! いけいけ!熱血ホッケー部 すべってころんで大乱闘
★ 8.6
世界运动会 World Games
十项全能比赛 Decathlon
大相扑 つっぱり大相撲
★ 7.4
追赶跑跳蹦 メトロクロス/Metro Cross
热血高校躲避球部 熱血高校ドッジボール部/Super Dodge Ball
天使之翼1 キャプテン翼/Tecmo Cup:Soccer Game
★ 7.9
战国麻雀 Sengoku Mahjong
超级马里奥1+俄罗斯方块+热血足球 Super Mario Bros. + Tetris + Nintendo World Cup
Isle of Jura