卡牌 / 策略
Blood on the Altar is the third Mythos Pack in The Dunwich Legacy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game. In the scenario from Blood on the Altar, your investigations lead you to the village of Dunwich, where you suspect a series of recent disappearances may be related to the events in Arkham. But the more you explore, the more you get the impression the townsfolk aren't exactly pleased to see you. There are secrets in this town that its inhabitants don't wish to share… With its sixty cards (including a complete playset of each new player card), Blood on the Altar challenges you to delve the secrets of Dunwich. You'll need to travel throughout the town in search of clues, stopping to investigate many of the locations infamously identified in H.P. Lovecraft's classic tale, The Dunwich Horror.
真相幻影 A Phantom of Truth: Mythos Pack (2017)
诡镇奇谈卡牌版 Arkham Horror: The Card Game
★ 9.6
敦威治的遗产 The Dunwich Legacy
博物馆之夜 The Miskatonic Museum: Mythos Pack (2017)
疯狂列车 The Essex County Express: Mythos Pack (2017)
迷失时空 Lost in Time and Space: Mythos Pack (2017)
月圆之夜 Night of the Full Moon
★ 8.4
巫师之昆特牌:王权的陨落 Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
★ 9.1
王权 Reigns
★ 7.6
王权:女王陛下 Reigns: Her Majesty
地精公司 Gremlins, Inc.
★ 8.7
圣物 Artifact
★ 7.5