小武和阿宏 Takeshi and Hiroshi


角色扮演 / 冒险 / 策略

Mac / iPhone / iPad / Nintendo Switch


"Takeshi and Hiroshi" combines the two worlds of puppet animation and Role Playing Game. It tells the story of two brothers and their daily life. The 14-year-old Takeshi, a game designer to-be, is creating a game for his weak little brother Hiroshi who always wants to play the next chapter of the game as soon as possible. As the game is still in the making, Takeshi has to improvise and secretly plays some of the monster roles himself. It is Takeshi's goal to make Hiroshi really enjoy his game, let him meet big challenges, but preferably to prevent him from losing. He has to choose which monsters shall appear when and struggles more and more as the challenge for him as a game creator becomes increasingly difficult. As a player of this game you dive into the two worlds of puppet animation and RPG to follow the story of Takeshi and his brother Hiroshi. It is a wondrous and different type of game, you should definitely try. 《小武与阿宏》结合了木偶动画与角色扮演游戏这两个世界。它描述的是一对兄弟的日常生活以及他们的故事。14 岁的小武,未来的游戏设计家,正在为他身体不好的弟弟阿宏制作一款游戏;阿宏一直想要赶快玩到游戏里的下一章。 因为游戏还在制作途中,小武不得不临机应变,自己偷偷扮演一些怪兽的角色。小武的目标是让阿宏能够真正享受这场游戏,让他面对一些挑战,但也不能让他输掉。他必须选择要在何时让哪些怪兽出现,而且随着对于身为游戏设计师的他而言的挑战变得越来越艰巨,他也越来越挣扎了。 作为这款游戏的玩家,你将会进入木偶动画与角色扮演的这两个世界中,追踪小武以及他的弟弟阿宏的故事。这款游戏的类别相当奇妙且与众不同,请各位务必尝试看看。






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