PC / Mac / Linux
"Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp" brings you more of the world's best (and maybe only?) multiplayer dating sim; but in a way you've never expected! The original Monster Prom is a multiplayer dating sim that shines for its beautiful art and unapologetic humor. The sequel brings you into a new setup (summer camp) with new characters to romance, including old faces and new ones: Damien, Calculester, Milo, Dahlia, Joy and Aaravi. But that's not all, Monster Camp comes with twists here and there: from the campfire mechanics to a new stage full of magic mixed drinks. We're repeating the best from the popular "Monster Prom" formula, but adding some new spices to it. You will see ;)
戏剧性谋杀re:connect DRAMAtical Murder re:connect
★ 8.8
黑暗寓言1:被诅咒的野玫瑰 Dark Parables: Curse of Briar Rose
★ 7.7
模拟人生4 The Sims 4
脱颖而出 Coming Out On Top
★ 9.0
魔物学园:毕业舞会大作战 Monster Prom
★ 7.6
不要喂食猴子 Do Not Feed the Monkeys
日落黄昏时 As Dusk Falls
★ 8.2
大逆转裁判1&2 成步堂龙之介的冒险与觉悟 大逆転裁判1&2 -成歩堂龍ノ介の冒險と覺悟-
★ 9.1
美少女万华镜 -理与迷宫的少女- 美少女万華鏡 -理と迷宮の少女-
★ 8.9
圣歌德嘉的晚钟 Knell of St. Godhrkar
★ 8.6
缠结塔 Tangle Tower
★ 8.4
牛奶袋外面有一袋牛奶袋外面有一袋牛奶 Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk
★ 8.3