乱斗/清版 / 射击 / 角色扮演 / 冒险 / 动作
以撒的燔祭:忏悔, 以撒的结合-忏悔
PC / PS4 / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch / PS5 / XSX
PRAY FOR REPENTANCE AND BE REBORN Experience the modern classic, The Binding of Isaac, like you've never seen it before. It's a game too big to be called a sequel: Repentance takes Isaac to new heights of roguelike dungeon adventure, as the brave boy descends into the basement for his greatest challenge yet! Isaac's new quest takes him to unknown places he's never been, filled with horrible new enemies and bosses, weapon combos you've never synergized before and items he's never seen... unholy terrors from his wildest dreams and worst nightmares!
钟表神的藏身所 Lair of the Clockwork God
反斗合金 UnMetal
★ 7.8
如此艺术:创意空间 Such Art: Creative Space
★ 7.0
奇异 -猴子们的宝岛- マーヴェラス 〜もうひとつの宝島〜
★ 7.9
勇者斗恶龙3 HD-2D 重制版 ドラゴンクエストIII HD-2Dリメイク
哈迪斯 Hades
★ 9.3
师父 Sifu
★ 8.8
女神异闻录5 乱战 魅影攻手 ペルソナ5 スクランブル ザ・ファントムストライカーズ
★ 8.4
幽灵行者 Ghostrunner
★ 8.1
霓虹深渊 Neon Abyss
★ 7.7
咩咩启示录 Cult of the Lamb
★ 7.6