竞速 / 体育
Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge is a simulation of the NASCAR Winston Cup circuit, and thus operates like a racing game. The gameplay action was always through an in-car perspective. Players could chose to run single races at each track, or run for the season championship. The race distance was chosen by the player, which ranged from 10 miles to the realistic distance of 500 miles for the superspeedway races. In the MS-DOS version, the championship consisted of a visit to each of the eight tracks. In the NES and Game Boy versions, the season championship consisted of each of the four tracks run twice, for a total of eight races.
美国赛车 Race America
TC滑板:水木之怒 Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage
越野机车 Excitebike
★ 8.2
动作52合1 Action 52
★ 3.7
法拉利大奖赛挑战 フェラーリ Grand Prix Challenge/Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge
★ 7.1
障碍滑雪赛 Slalom
超级马力欧卡丁车 スーパーマリオカート
★ 8.1
火炮侦探 GUN-DEC
★ 8.6
送报童2 Paperboy 2
★ 6.9
天使之翼3:皇帝的挑战 キャプテン翼III 皇帝の挑戦