格斗 / 体育
SFC/SNES/超任 / MD/世嘉五代 / FC/NES/红白机 / GB
Featuring heavyweight champion George Foreman, this is a boxing simulation where players, taking the role of Foreman, go through a series of twelve rounds against different boxers to win the championship title belt. Played from an third-person perspective using a view from right over the shoulders over the boxer, players can move left and right to dodge incoming punches, block and throw left and right punches. The standard punch is a cross, but by holding the Up-key pressed, jabs can also be thrown. By avoiding punches and hitting them, a superpunch often becomes available, inflicting much more damage. A fight consists of a maximum of three rounds of three minutes each. When a boxer is knocked down four times, the match is over (technical knock-out). The same happens when a boxer goes down three times in a single round (regular knock-out). When down, players need to press both punch buttons in rapid succession to get back to their feet. The screen shows an energy meter drained when punches are received. After being knocked down and during intermissions, some energy is restored. All versions, except for the Game Boy, can be played with two players. A password system is used to save the progress.
动作52合1 Action 52
★ 3.7
SD战斗大相扑 平成英雄场所 SDバトル大相撲 平成ヒーロー場所
职业摔跤 プロレス
力量拳击2 Power Punch 2
组合摔角 タッグチーム プロレスリング/Tag Team Wrestling
火暴拳击 エキサイティングボクシング/Exciting Boxing
饿狼传说特别版 Fatal Fury Special
★ 7.8
侍魂 サムライスピリッツ
★ 8.2
饿狼传说:宿命之战 Fatal Fury King of Fighters
超级街头霸王2:新的挑战者 Super Street Fighter II
★ 8.6
饿狼传说2:全新战斗 Fatal Fury 2
★ 6.9
龙虎之拳 龍虎の拳
★ 6.0