格斗 / 体育
WWF Wrestlemania is a wrestling game using the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) license. The game features six popular WWF wrestlers:Hulk Hogan, André the Giant, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, The Honky Tonk Man, Bam Bam Bigelow, and "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase. All the wrestlers can execute basic punches, kicks, and headbutts; turnbuckle moves and bodyslams can only be performed by particular wrestlers. Different wrestlers may use different moves with varying frequency, reflecting the preferences of their real-life counterparts. Wrestlers might also become angry (turning red on the screen), entering a rage state during which their attack power improves. Character-specific health power-ups will sometimes appear on the ring, and can be collected by corresponding wrestlers. The two gameplay modes include a single exhibition match (one player versus the computer or two players against each other), and a tournament. In a single player tournament, the player chooses one wrestler and must defeat the other five in a series of matches to win the championship. In a tournament with up to six player-controlled wrestlers, each wrestler faces every other wrestler one time, for a total of fifteen matches.
动作52合1 Action 52
★ 3.7
SD战斗大相扑 平成英雄场所 SDバトル大相撲 平成ヒーロー場所
职业摔跤 プロレス
力量拳击2 Power Punch 2
组合摔角 タッグチーム プロレスリング/Tag Team Wrestling
火暴拳击 エキサイティングボクシング/Exciting Boxing
魔道士的阴谋 リトルマジック/ Little Magic
★ 8.6
★ 7.1
哥斯拉 ゴジラ/Godzilla: Monster of Monsters
TECMO世界摔跤 激闘プロレス!! 闘魂伝説/Tecmo World Wrestling
必杀道场破 必殺道場破り