即时战略 / 策略
PC / Linux
Aiko's Choice is a brand-new standalone addon to the beloved stealth tactics game Shadow Tactics. Set in Japan around the Edo period, you take control of kunoichi adept Aiko and her deadly assassin friends to hunt down the ghosts of her past.
孤岛惊魂4:逃离德加许监狱 Far Cry 4 :Escape From Durgesh Prison
★ 6.3
赏金奇兵3:财富迷人眼 第3部分:再次心动 Desperados III: Money for the Vultures - Part 3: Once More With Feeling
★ 7.4
赏金奇兵3:财富迷人眼 第2部分:五步之遥 Desperados III: Money for the Vultures - Part 2: Five Steps Ahead
★ 7.5
赏金奇兵3:财富迷人眼 第1部分:后加入的成员 Desperados III: Money for the Vultures - Part 1: Late to the Party
命运战士3:偿还 Soldier of Fortune: Payback
★ 7.6
怪诞扑克夜2 Poker Night 2
★ 7.8
十字军之王3 Crusader Kings III
★ 9.3
帝国时代4 Age of Empires IV
★ 8.6
赏金奇兵3 Desperados III
★ 9.2
维多利亚3 Victoria 3
帝国时代3:决定版 Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
★ 8.1
全面战争:战锤3 Total War: Warhammer III
★ 8.9