SNAKISMS was begun on the strength of the idea of "Ascetic Snake", a game of Snake in which the snake isn't meant to eat the apple (or whatever that thing is in Snake). That basic reversal of the standard form of the game struck me as funny because those sorts of things always strike me as funny, but on turning to actually make the game it seemed pretty clear it was too much of a throw-away idea all on its own. And so it came to pass that I decided I needed to make a whole set of Snake games based (loosely) on different philosophies, eventually settling on the idea of "isms" because SNAKISMS is really a pretty great title for a game, I think you'll agree. The design process took a surprisingly long time in terms of coming up with a set of "reasonable" interpretations of philosophies/isms that could be translated in some way to the mechanics of the original Snake game.
真三国无双8:帝国 真·三國無双8:Empires
★ 5.4
真·三国无双 霸
使命召唤:现代战争 动员 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized
★ 8.3
西部快炸手 Bombslinger
战国无双4 DX 戦国無双4 DX
★ 8.1
碧蓝幻想:对决 グランブルーファンタジー ヴァーサス
★ 7.2
双人成行 It Takes Two
★ 9.7
★ 8.7
白门 The White Door
★ 9.2
方块逃脱合集 Cube Escape Collection
内在往昔 The Past Within
★ 8.2
开箱整理 Unpacking
★ 8.6